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Sell ABR files online

Recommendations and Advice for 2023

An ABR file uses a file format employed by Adobe Photoshop to store custom brushes and painting tools. This allows users to create and save their own brushes or painting tools for reuse in other projects or sharing. To sell such files online, it's crucial to find the right platform.

When searching for the appropriate sales platform for your ABR file(s), some important criteria should be examined first, such as costs. It's essential to know when and for what fees are incurred and whether they are one-time or ongoing expenses. Additionally, legal, tax, and privacy requirements should be met.

Once these fundamental requirements are clarified, the focus shifts to the platform's additional features. User-friendliness is often a decisive criterion. The platform should enable individual and professional presentation of your ABR file and take care of file hosting. From the buyers' perspective, an easy payment process and invoice generation are of great importance.

Tentary is a free platform that provides the mentioned features and only charges a small commission (1-5%) per sold product. In return, you'll receive a customizable sales page, a user-friendly checkout process, and a variety of additional features to assist you in selling your ABR file(s).

Free registration, no subscription.

Sell ABR-files in 4 steps

1. Sign up for a free Tentary account

2. Create a sales page and upload your file(s)
Create a custom sales page with a product description, images, and the look and feel you want.

3. Configure the payment methods

4. Publish and sell your product

Tentary has everything you need to sell your ABR files online easily.

Start for free and within minutes

Create a free account and start making money selling your file in minutes. No subscription fees or contracts.

All file-types

Sell files in any format you can think of. For example: PDF, Doc, ePub, Mobi, TXT. The sky's the limit with Tentary.

Legally compliant

No matter where your buyers come from, with Tentary you sell in a legally compliant, privacy-friendly, and tax-correct manner.

Many more features to support you ❤

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Unlimited number of products

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Sell digital downloads & links

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Create online-courses

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Sell appointment bookings

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PDF stamping

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Free products

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Limit sales periods

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Individual sales pages

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No file size or format limits

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Coupons & tickets

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Video hosting and streaming

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All major payment methods

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Custom domain

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Create a profile page

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Discount codes

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Traffic- and revenue reports

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International selling

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Support for special (e)book taxes

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Individual tax settings

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Automatic invoice generation

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Monthly reports

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SSL encryption

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Fraud protection

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Support for custom policies

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Direct payout

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No advertising-cookies

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Reliable e-mail delivery

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Automatic EU VAT tax calculation

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Email marketing